Sunday 1 June 2014

Dragon Ball Z Kai 2014 - The Great Saiyaman and World Tournament Sagas

I've been a fan of Dragon Ball Z since I can remember. Alongside Pokémon and Cardcaptor Sakura, it was one of the first animé shows I watched as a child, long before I knew what animé was. As soon as I was old enough to stay up as long as I wanted to on weekends as a child, I would stay up long past my parents so that I could watch Dragon Ball Z on Toonami at 1:10AM for years. In that case, I probably should have been more attentive about the remastered series DBZ Kai, but in reality I only watched the remastered episodes whenever I visited my mother and managed to stick it onto the magic Sky+ record thing.

So after taking a hiatus in August 2011, DBZ Kai resumed at The Great Saiyaman Saga this April just past. For exposition, Dragon Ball Z Kai is a recut HD remaster of the original show, slimming down on filler content and providing a story closer to Akira Toriyama's manga. Because of this, new scenes have been animated to bridge the gaps left by removing some content, and due to being created with the classic style in mind, they fit in rather perfectly.

The following contains a rundown of the events of the first two mini-sagas of the Majin Buu era, so there are spoilers, but these episodes originally aired 20 years ago now.